Margo Langlotz
Animal connection is as natural as breathing for Margo , she has been playing in the world of energy her whole life. Born into a family where horses and dogs. were literally her siblings, these beautiful animals taught her so much about subtle energy! She learned to heighten her abilities in intuition and non linguistic communication at an early age. Her first pony suffered from asthma. He would have days where he was perfectly normal and them during the ride he would begin to breathe differently. This constant reminder of how fragile we are, helped her tune her empathy and sensitivity to psychic connection. Now these skills are put to use with her animal clients. Helping to transform relationships within multi animal packs. bring peace and harmony to their families. Her study of massage and energy work has brought these skills to humans! Working in this field for over 22 years has been such an honor! 2020 gave her an opportunity to dive deeper into the ocean of energy, getting her 200 hour yoga teacher certification with yoga alliance! , and working with mentors and teachers to gain even more awareness of her psychic abilities. One thing Margo knows to be true, we are all energy. The fascination of the subtle energy body is a constant curiosity to her. within this energy lies, the possibilities of deep emotional healing. and this access point lies hidden is INSIDE of us!