Om Gilmore
Learn More about how to apply Chi-Kung with Life Om Prakash John Gilmore is a long time practitioner of Tai-chi, Chi-kung, meditation, and martial arts. In 1998 He received his Reiki Master Teacher Certification. A few years later Om Prakash became a Certified Reflexologist and Massage Therapist. Since 1998 Om Prakash has been working, through alternative methods, to help people reduce stress, increase health and flexibility, and enhance their spirituality through Eastern Practices. Om Prakash attended University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, CA. He graduated with a D. Min. in Work and Spirituality. His dissertation focused on understanding the internalization of oppression and a dominator mindset, and how to heal from it through alternative practices. Om Prakash began to study a new form of Tai-Chi in 2003 with Dr. Keith Jeffery in Canada. He became certified to teach a very short seminar consisting of a short, but powerful, set of exercises referred to as Four Minute Fitness Chi-kung. In Costa Rica Om Prakash studied Sat Yoga philosophy and Atmanology Analysis Spiritual Guidance with Shunyamurti Robert Shubow, and worked as a visiting faculty member teaching Tai-chi, Chi-kung, and pranic healing. In this seminar Om Prakash combines Work and Spirituality philosophy with Four Minute Fitness Chi-kung, standing Chi-kung meditation, and Inner Yogic philosophies. This combination of arts and meditation will help you strengthen you muscular system, strengthen your immune system, and learn to deal with stress. This series of movements are especially helpful for those who sit for long periods of time, or who drive, or who do a great deal of physical or mental work--including body workers and energy workers. In four to six minutes these exercises reset the body by increasing the flow of energy, nullifying the flow of nervous energy, and stretching and relaxing every muscle in the body. This is what Dr. Keith Jeffrey calls the layering approach. Four Minute Fitness works on several layers (mind, body, spirit) all at the same time in the privacy of your home, office, or even on a mountain top. With the added standing poses you can do a twenty minute or thirty minute workout that will drop the greatest athlete.
In his book, Life, Work and Spirituality, Om Prakash focuses on the concepts taught in Four Minutes Fitness and explains, in detail, how you can use them to make your life better.Book: Life Work and Spirituality -