Body, Mind & Soul Care for Mamas

3 videos
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Enjoy this 3 part video-series you can do back-to-back or spread out over a few days. All levels are welcome! In the Mama Flow to Strengthen and Stretch video, you will be guided through each pose and follow along this 20 minute Hatha Yoga Class. The Yin Yoga to Release & Let Go is a 30 minute Yin Yoga Class. Each pose or stretch will be held for about 2-3 minutes. The 3 principles of Yin Yoga are: 1. Find your edge: Slowly come into the pose until you feel a mild and moderate sensation of stretch or pressure. 2. Resolve to remain still. Try not to move or fidget for the duration of the hold. 3. Hold the pose for 2-3 minutes. Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation is a 17 minute guided meditation. You will be lead through a body-scan that will allow you to enter a deep state of relaxation. It helps to release stress and improve sleep

Laura Baumann
Laura Baumann